Wednesday, May 30, 2007

flaming trash cans

Today I was walking to the post office past Bank of America and the trash can outside of it was on fire and looked like it had been on fire for a little while by the 75% melted inner barrel. There was just a crowd around it kind of looking at it and smiling stupidly as terrible smelling gas filled the air around them.

i'm sure that bank of america had a fire extinguisher, but i guess they were waiting around for someone else to do something about it.

if i wasn't still bitter and hateful towards that evil bank after overdrawing my bank account several times the day before i would have maybe put down my bin of mail and done that because

a.) it would be kind of badass

b.) who wants to smell that shit?

c.) i could say "fuck you assholes for just standing there."

but i think my mind set the fire to get back at them for causing me to not have enough money to go to the pisschrist/out cold show yesterday.

although if that were the case it would have been inside the bank. oh well.

i'm a fuck up. i have no money. wahhhhhhhhhhhhh

but yeah. I would have liked to seen the show and flyered for the zine show.

if you would like to help flyer print it out and make copies. or i could do it for you. get in touch.

Saturday, May 26, 2007


okay whatever. i'm not making this blog very slick looking or easy to use. sorry.

mostly it's just a way to get some info out about things I'm currently working on.

here is the finished flyer for the July 21st ONE PAGE ZINE show.

Please make one. It will be fun. Even if you don't live around here and can't make it out, send it to me and I will get copies made of it to have at the show.

I'm trying to recruit people who do zines I like to do that as well as making copies of the one pagers that have inspired me to do one on my own.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

ALSO: I will be selling a small "distro" of zines at shows in the future because some of them are hard to find on a consistent basis around and at shows there are a lot of suburban kids who don't live near a cool news stand or record shop, so there you go.

I may fall on my face and lose a bunch of money, but we'll see.

I have SHORT.FAST.LOUD #17 (w/rad CD comp) and #16 on the way

as well as GIVE ME BACK #(5)1 (from the ashes of HeartAttack but made by the people who didn't give up on it. Only .50 give it a shot!

Mindless Mutant #2 (Huuuuge zine out of Chicago. Good shit. Lots of interesting stories, road trip chronicles and interviews)

and I'll be getting Razorcake and MRR as well as some one pagers that are free (if you buy something else. sorry pal!)

if you do a zine and want me to carry it send me an email radiobeat at gmail dot com to get my address so i can check it out (if i'm not familiar with it)


Sunday, May 13, 2007


This is a recent score from In Your Ear Records on Comm Ave

A quick google search brought up this review of the Cambridge store. I like the Comm Ave one better, and it's bigger but both are cool.

I just got some reading material there, a zine called Mad At The World and a big tour promo photo book about Black Sabbath's "Born Again" tour with the guy from Deep Purple singing.

Anyhow, Mad At the World was a great zine overall and you can read up a little about it's brief history over here...I'm gonna see if he has any back issues kicking around. It's primarily a record label of the same name (hence the 'matwrecords' link)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

One page zine show SAT July 21st


one page zine hc/punk show. $2 off door price with a home made zine and a stack of copies of it.

so get fuckin' started!

best layout

get someone w/an office job to make them for you or just "forget" you made as many as you did at some chain xerox place (without a counter duh)

Venue finalization and other details TBA
check back here for updates
or email radiobeat at gmail dotcom